This shell set was blessed in Fresh Water which is connected to river spirits, see photos. The second picture is what you will receive, the activated shells and other pieces.
In this rare divination set, the shells are considered the bones. The act in the same way but can be seen as more powerful because they connect to the Primordial Mother's womb.
It is no coincidence that you can hear the ocean spirit when you put your ear to a shell.
Great heed should be taken when working with shells 🐚 . They have their own voice and spirit. You can read them the same way you would bones, but you must form a connection with the first Ancestor "the water" in order to access the spirit realm with these shells.
They will be blessed (to purify and open them to speak) and cleansed and ready to be used by you.
This set includes 15 pieces
Carved cow bone pieces
Dice 🎲
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